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View Updated Youtube Channel New Videos In RSS Feed Reader..

Recently one of my friend asked me if it is possible that he can subscribe to a youtube channel new videos via RSS feed, as normally none of the youtube channel provide a direct link to RSS as it does not make sense because they already provide a email subscription, but as my friend is great fan of google reader so he like to read feeds then reading updates in email.
subscribe to youtube channel feed
There are several ways you can create a RSS Feed of a youtube channel and then subscribe the same in some google reader or any other feed reader application or web service.

Create a RSS Feed For Any Youtube Channel

Every youtube channel has a unique youtube username, so if you just change the username in the URL below with the <youtube channel username> you will get the RSS feed for the youtube channel which you can subscribe in any RSS feed reader or web service like google reader.<youtube channel username>/uploads?orderby=updated
or<youtube channel username>/videos.rss

Add The Channel URL Directly in Google Reader or Similar Program

In this method you just need to copy the URL of your youtube channel and paste it in google reader
youtube new videos in google reader
As per the third method, when you open the youtube channel to which you want to subscribe to, you can just click the RSS Feed symbol in google chrome shown on the right side in the address bar.
click to subscribe
Once click the subscribe button, you will see the subscribe options in the new tab as shown in the image below.
youtube channel rss feed

