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How to Fix Blue Screen Error??

We all must have come across a situation when suddenly working on the system, we notice that a “Blue screen” comes up reading “Physical Memory Dump” and also showing some hexadecimal numbers. Even i was a victim too for this Blue screen error. This is like a nightmare to all computer users and we all fear this problem, don’t we?

blue screen error 300x202 How to Fix Blue Screen Error

There are many problems that cause this problem. Most common of them are:
1.    RAM Failure:
This problem is mostly caused if there is some problem in your RAM installed in thecomputer. So just try changing it with any of your friend’s but with similar RAM configuration.

2.    Hardware Failure:
The problem can arise due to some conflict between the system and any new hardware that you have installed on your system. This can be hard disk, mouse or any hardware. So unplug the new hardware you installed.

3.    Registry Problems:
This problem can also be caused if there is some error in your registry values (caused by some illegal software or a virus). If you do not know the values then formatting can be the only option.

This is how you can disable the computer to restart in case of Serious Errors and the formation of Memory Dump:
•    Open My Computer properties dialog and click the Advanced tab.
•    Then click the Settings button in the Start-up and Recovery section.

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•    Click to remove the check next to Automatically Restart checkbox.
•    In the Write debugging information tab, click to select (none) and then click OK.
You can also go through to my previous article How to Analyze Minidump: Blue Screen Error Files .
