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Showing posts from January, 2013

How to get rid of mosquitoes through computer ?

Funny But sounds true.. Recently when i was surfing the net, i came across this hilarious article which is true to its content. This post was scientifically true and i tested this with my system. The Rivalry between Dragonflies and Mosquitoes is the main base concept on which this article relies. Read and enjoy the Post. Technology  brought big changes in our society and also in our life, Technology changed  how we look, how we live, how we speak, how we communicate . Involvement of technology in our day to day life makes our life sometimes more  easy and comfortable . Now this trick will teach you a very simple method to  get rid of mosquitoes in your house through your computer . And it is not a joke, it’s really true. Stop using those chemical based electronic mosquito killing devices which along with mosquito kills you by leaving a harmful effect on your life. Now you can get rid of mosquitoes present in your home through your very own computer, get ecof...

True Story.1080p Trailer. A film by Psy Creations.

screenleap: One-Click Screen Sharing Without Any Signup [Web]

A lot of applications and instant messaging software allow you to share your screen with others, but the problem is, not everyone uses the same applications. So, instead of downloading, installing or signing up for new services or softwares,  screenleap  offers you with one-click, platform/tool-independent screen sharing and hassle-free viewing within the web browser. The service does not require any installation or signup whatsoever, and with it, you can allow as many people as you like to view your computer screen at once. To start off, click the bright green button labelled  Share your screen now!  After this, a Java Runtime permission window pops up, whence simply click  Run. Once your screen is visible, you’ll get a link that you can send to as many people as you want, to show them what you are working on. Alternatively, you can click the code, to copy it to your clipboard and send it to a person you want to share your screen with. Th...

Encrypt Facebook Posts, Tweets Or Any Online Message For Selected Contacts

Sending coded messages can come handy either for fun or out of necessity. The common way to share a message publicly while ensuring that only a few people in that public forum/group can view it is to use services that encrypt them and require decryption on the other side. Services like this have a drawback; they leave it to you to share the password/decryption key with your intended audience.  Scrambls  is a browser extension that works with a service at the back end and lets you easily scramble your message across any public or private online medium including social media services, forums, blogs, comments and the like. You can create groups using email addresses of your intended recipients, allowing them alone to unscramble the message. In order to unscramble the text, the recipients will have to install the Scrambls extension and sign up for a free account with the service. Once installed and logged in, the extension automatically detects if you have permission to...

Unlock Windows 8 With USB Drive & Take Webcam Photos At Failed Login

The logon screen in Windows 7 cannot be customized at all using the default available options; even changing the background of the logon screen requires you to use a third-party tool. In Windows 8, the lock screen of  has been revamped to include a lot more information and users are provided with some control over it, such as the ability to change its background, specify which apps can put notifications on it and view the date, time and current battery status of your system. However, there has been no significant change in the security of the system. Today, we have a lock screen application called  Lockscreen Pro  that replaces the regular lock screen with a custom one, providing you with options to unlock the computer with a password or a USB flash drive, and even uses the webcam to capture a photo every time there is an unsuccessful login attempt. Thus while preventing other people from accessing your computer, it also lets you see who tried to gain access to it...

Chrome Fix: Extensions, apps, and user scripts cannot be installed from this web site

Recently i came across this difficulty and i got a better solution. So i thought of putting this so that many who face the same problem\m could be beneficial.. On Google Chrome Canary, I have lately been getting the  Extensions, apps, and user scripts cannot be installed from this web site  error message when I was trying to install a userscript from, or an extension from a third party website. No matter what I did, it always displayed the Install Failure dialog and blocked the extension, app or userscript installation. I first tried to download the file to the local PC first, to drag and drop it into the browser window to run a local installation, but that too was blocked by the web browser. I have tested this in Chrome 19 and the browser did not block the installation, suggesting that only users of Chrome Canary, and maybe Dev, are currently experiencing the issue. It needs to be noted though that this has been implemented on purpo...

[Update] Automatically and Silently Copy Files From USB Drive to Hard Disk

[Update] Thanks Biswajit Das for this method. New and easy method here - Recently i came across a problem of usb attacks and many other incidents which made me present this article before you. I had also another wish to secretly copy the teachers usb pen drive contents so that i  can get every slide which it is very difficult to obtain. It might be possible to accomplish this using a simple file backup program that periodically checks the USB drive for new files, and if found, copies it to a directory on your hard drive. But it’s not foolproof. Today, I discovered a better solution – using a free program called  USB Spy . USB Spy is a spying program that automatically and silently copies the content of a USB Flash drive to the hard disk when it attached to the computer. The file copying begins soon after the Flash drive is inserted. No further coaxing or button click or any user interaction is required. There is also no notification of...

Bypass Cyberoam To Access Blocked Sites [Edited]

Firstly I posted this message because my net admin switched their net guard from fortiguard to cyberoam. I searched many ways to bypass this so called security. This stood best in my search...Hope you can say that too. Most of the colleges, school and offices now-a-days prefer a hardware firewall like  Cyberoam  to block the users to access the restricted websites like social networking sites and other in-appropriate sites. Many of my friends have asked me about how to access blocked websites or bypass  Cyberoam  or simply cracking the  Cyberoam  to access restricted websites in their college and offices. Well we have a tutorial here for this!!! Requirements: 1. Latest Firefox Browser [ Download ] 2. Install Cocoon Add-On [ Download ] Step 1:  Create an account on Step 2:  Install the firefox Add-on  Cocoon   from  here . Step 3:  Press the power button on the c...

Fix Corrupt or Broken AVI Video files on Windows

▶ If you’re looking for ways to repair a broken AVI file, then this article is definitely for you. At the end of this article, you will know to fix Corrupt or Broken AVI Video files on Windows . ▶ How many times after downloading an AVI video from the Internet you have not got this message saying – “Corrupt file, cannot open” ? ▶ Now, you definitely don’t want to be downloading the whole file again, right! What if it turns out to be corrupt even the second time? ▶ To fix all such problems of an AVI file, we have an awesome utility called DivFix++ . ▶ DivFix++ is a special utility designed to repair broken AVI videos and also preview partially-downloaded movies. ▶Downloads: DivFix++ Download Link – 32 bit DivFix++ Download Link  – 64 bit Spread the Love. Share this with your friends on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter. We’ve all had it happen. After long waiting periods, you have the  AVI video  downloaded to your PC from the Internet. And with a...

Create a Shortcut or Hotkey to Turn Off the Monitor

Have you ever wanted to hit a shortcut key to turn off the monitor? Sure, you can use the Win+L combination to lock the screen, but that leaves your monitor on… and those of us with multiple monitors find it a pain to hunt down the power buttons all the time. First we’ll show you how to simply power off the monitor, and then how to both lock and power it off. Create a Shortcut to Turn Off the Monitor To create this shortcut, we’ll first need to grab a  tiny multi-purpose utility called NirCmd from the great folks over at NirSoft. This Swiss-army knife tool can do an amazing array of tasks, including powering off the monitor. All we really need to do is create a shortcut to it. Right-click anywhere on the desktop and choose New \ Shortcut: Then you’ll want to browse to the location where you saved the nircmd.exe file, and add the following arguments: “C:\path\to\nircmd.exe” cmdwait 1000 monitor off Make sure the path has quotes around it, and then you add the ...